The 6th ITAlian COnference on Survey Methodology – ITACOSM 2019 – will be held in Florence from 5 to 7 June 2019 and will take place at the Department of ...

First FDS Meeting

Auditorium B Viale Morgagni 40, Firenze

The first meeting of the Florence Center for Data Science will be held on June 10, 2019, in Viale Morgagni 40, Auditorium B. The meeting will feature the participation of ...

Short course of Tamas Terlaky at DINFO

DINFO via di Santa Marta 3, Firenze

Prof. Tamas Terlaky will give a PhD course on "Modern convex optimization: Duality, Algorithms, Solutions and Interpretations " Lectures will be offered on Tuesday June 18, Wed June 19, Thu ...

MICC seminar: Xavier Alameda-Pineda

Aula Anfiteatro Ex-Farmacologia Viale Morgagni 65, Firenze

Title: Probabilistic and deep methods for human behavior understanding Speaker: Dr. Xavier Alameda-Pineda Location: Aula Anfiteatro Ex-Farmacologia - Viale Morgagni 65 ABSTRACT In this talk we will discuss several works ...

Seminar: A Next Step for Bioinformatics

via di Santa Marta 3, FIrenze

Title: A Next Step for Bioinformatics: Integrated Machine Learning and Stochastic Modeling for Understanding Disease-related Cell Signaling and Regulation Speaker: Juan Cui (Univ. of Nebraska) Location: Aula Caminetto - Via ...

Seminar: Complexity of nonconvex optimization

Plesso didattico Morgagni Viale Morgani 40, Firenze

Seminar @Dipartimento di Ingegneria Industriale Room 108 - Plesso didattico Morgagni Philippe Toint (University of Namur) Complexity of nonconvex optimization Abstract. We present a review of results on the worst-case ...

DISIA-DSG-DISEI seminar: Nello Cristianini

D6 Via delle Pandette 9 Via delle Pandette 9, Firenze

Title: Living with Intelligent Machines Speaker: Nello Cristianini (University of Bristol) Location: Building D6 Room 1.18 - Via delle pandette, 9 ABSTRACT The way we build intelligent machines today involves ...

Seminar @ DISEI : Il diritto On line

D5 Via delle Pandette Via delle Pandette 9, Firenze

Title: Blockchain, smart contract e cryptovalute per le imprese Speaker: Giovanni Brancalion Spadon (Foro di Venezia) Location: Aula D5 001 - Polo delle Scienze Sociali - Viale delle Pandette 9

Lezione aperta DISEI Nobel 2019

Title: Lezione aperta DISEI Nobel 2019 Speakers: Prof. Fabrizia Mealli (Director of the Florence Center for Data Science, University of Florence) and Prof. Mario Biggeri (University of Florence) Location: Building D6 Room 0.18 - Via delle pandette, 9   DISEI ...