The Florence Center for Data Science hosts a dissemination feature consisting in brief interviews with our D2 Seminar speakers. We are asking few questions to the experts to explain what their research is about, this format can be seen as an extended version of the Q&A session.

Our goal is to promote a public understanding of science and to reach the readers who may be interested in knowing more about the different fields in which data are involved.


Andrea Barucci is researcher at the “Nello Carrara” Institute of Applied Physics CNR – IFAC and our fellow. He was our guest at the D2 Seminar series, presenting his work on “Exploring Egyptian Hieroglyphs with Convolutional Neural Networks”.
Andrea Mercatanti is professor at the Department of Statistical Sciences, Sapienza University of Rome. He was our guest at the D2 Seminar series, presenting his work on “A Regression Discontinuity Design for ordinal running variables: evaluating Central Bank purchases of corporate bonds. (Joint work with F. Li, T. Makinen, A. Silvestrini).
Alberto Cassese is assistant professor at the Department of Statistics, Computer Science, Application “G. Parenti” of the University of Florence. He was our guest at the D2 Seminar series, presenting his work on “Bayesian negative binomial mixture regression models for the analysis of sequence count and methylation data”.
Augusto Cerqua and Marco Letta are both assistant professors at the Department of Social and Economic Sciences of Sapienza, University of Rome. They were our guests at the D2 Seminar series, presenting their talk on “Losing control (group)? The Machine Learning Control Method for counterfactual forecasting” a joint work with Fiammetta Menchetti, our fellow.
Matteo Pedone, research fellow at the Department of Statistics, Computer Science, Applications “G. Parenti” of the University of Florence, was our guest at the D2 Seminar Series. He presented his research on: “A Bayesian nonparametric approach to personalized treatment selection“.
Kosuke Imai, professor in the Department of Government and the Department of Statistics at Harvard University, was our guest at the Special Guest Seminar Series presenting his talk on “Experimental Evaluation of Causal Machine Learning”.
Alessio Brini, Postdoctoral Associate at the Pratt School of Engineering of Duke University, was our guest at the D2 Seminar Series. He presented his talk on “Reinforcement Learning Policy Recommendation for Interbank Network Stability”
Claudio Durastanti, researcher at the Department of Basic and Applied Sciences for Engineering (SBAI) of Sapienza University, was our guest at the D2 Seminar Series presenting his talk on “Spherical Poisson Waves“.
Daniela Bubboloni, professor at the Department of Mathematics and Computer Science “Ulisse Dini” of the University of Florence, was our guest to the D2 seminar presenting her study entitled: “ Paths and flows for centrality measures in networks”.
Raffaele Guetto professor at the Department of Statistics, Computer Science, Applications “G. Parenti” at the University of Florence, was invited as a speaker to our 8h D2 Seminar. He presented his work on “Italy’s lowest-low fertility in times of uncertainty”.
Andrea Marino, researcher at the Department of Statistics, Computer Science, Applications “G. Parenti” at University of Florence, was our guest to the D2 seminar presenting his study entitled: “Approximating the Neighborhood Function of (Temporal) Graphs”.
Luigi Brugnano was our guest to the Seventh seminar D2 series, he’s a professor of Numerical Analysis at the Department of Mathematics and Computer Science “Ulisse Dini” at the University of Florence. Before he presented his research, he dedicated his seminar to Francesca Romana Nardi, who was a dear colleague and friend, part of our Steering group as deputy director, and who passed away last October.
Chiara Marzi, a postdoctoral research fellow of the Institute of Applied Physics “Nello Carrara” – National Research Council CNR. She talked about the topic of Artificial Intelligence in Neuroimaging, explaining how applying AI techniques to life sciences data can enhance the accuracy in pinpointing biomarkers or biological markers, which are the measurable indicators for medical states.
Leonardo Bargigli, professor at at the Department of Statistics, Computer Science, Applications “G. Parenti” at University of Florence presented a study he recently conducted with G. Cifarelli, about Endogenous and Exogenous Volatility in the Foreign Exchange Market.

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