Master’s Degree Program on Statistics and Data Science
The world is becoming quantitative. More and more professions, from the everyday to the exotic, depend on data management and reasoning. The master degree in Statistics and data science is addressed to those who want to enrich their knowledge by acquiring methodological tools of data analysis. Statistics plays a key role in modern societies because it converts data into information to support decision-making processes. The course offers a thorough professional training which prepares students for statistical careers in a variety of areas encompassing medicine, demography, environment, industry, surveys, and market research. It also provides a good foundation for further study at PhD level.

Promoted by the Florence Center for Data Science, through the Department of Statistics, Computer Science, Applications “G. Parenti” (DISIA) of the University of Florence and the IMT School for Advanced Studies Lucca.
The master MD2SL aims to equip professionals with extensive theoretical knowledge of more advanced statistical, IT and computational tools, allowing them to use and critically evaluate the potential of different methods to extract information from the increasing amount of data available in diverse application areas, with particular reference to applications in the economic, business and health sectors, to provide research questions and foster innovation.

Master Degree Course in Data Science, Scientific Computing & Artificial Intelligence
The Master’s Degree Course in Data Science, Scientific Computing & Artificial Intelligence, LM-DATA Data Science class, teaches how to generate, analyse, model and process data to then develop them into information, and even into intelligence. This objective is achieved through the acquisition of theoretical and practical skills in various fields of computer science, mathematics and statistics. All this, applied to various scientific contexts, in particular biology, chemistry, physics and geology.

PhD programs are offered at the University of Florence in a variety of disciplines.
Some of them have a specific focus on various areas of Data Science and are directed by members of the Florence Center for Data Science. They have an internationally renowned faculty and a worldwide network of partner institutions.
- The PhD program in Mathematics, Computer Science, Statistics (https://www.phdmatinfstat.unifi.it/). The programs has following curricula: Statistics, Mathematics, Computer Science, and an additional scholarship on the specific topic “Data Science”.
- The PhD program in Information Engineering (https://informationengineering.dinfo.unifi.it/) with two curricula related to Data Science: Computer Engineering (“Multimedia e Computer Vision”, “Artificial Intelligence and Bioinformatics”) and Control, Optimization and Complex Systems.
- The PhD program in Smart Computing (http://smartcomputing.unifi.it/) with additional scholarships on the following specific topics: “Machine Learning and Explainable AI”, “Smart Wearable Systems for Personalized Healthcare”, “Quantitative Analysis and Software Architectures for Manufacturing Districts”.
The general application call, in Italian and English, can be found at: https://www.unifi.it/p12202.html, application deadline is June 9th, 2023, at 12 am Italian time.