DiSIA Seminar

DiSIA, viale Morgagni 59 Viale Morgagni 59, Firenze

THE SEMINAR HAS BEEN POSTPONED TO A LATER DATE   We will inform you of updates.   Speaker: Fulvia Pennoni (Università degli Studi Milano-Bicocca) Title: A causal latent transition model: ...

DiSIA Seminar

DiSIA, viale Morgagni 59 Viale Morgagni 59, Firenze

Speaker: Nicola Prezza (Università Ca' Foscari, Venezia) Title: A Theory of (co-lex) Ordered Regular Languages Abstract: NFAs are inherently unordered objects, but they represent regular languages on which one can very naturally ...

DiSIA Seminar

DiSIA, viale Morgagni 59 Viale Morgagni 59, Firenze

Speaker: Chen-Hao Hsu (University of Bamberg) Title: How women’s employment instability affects birth transitions? The moderating role of family policies in 27 European Countries Abstract: Why women in some countries ...

DiSIA – StEering – itENBIS Seminar

DiSIA, viale Morgagni 59 Viale Morgagni 59, Firenze

The Department of Statistics, Computer Science, Applications DiSIA is happy to invite you to a seminar organized with the StEering - Statistics for Engineering: design, quality and reliability and itENBIS ...

DiSIA Seminar

DiSIA, viale Morgagni 59 Viale Morgagni 59, Firenze

Speaker: Sirio Legramanti (University of Bergamo) Title: Concentration of discrepancy-based ABC via Rademacher complexity Abstract: There has been increasing interest on summary-free versions of approximate Bayesian computation (ABC), which replace ...

DiSIA – ARTES4.0 Webinar


The Department of Statistics, Computer Science, Applications DiSIA as part of the activities of the UNIFI Macronode in the ARTES4.0 Competence Center organizes the following webinar scheduled for March 27, ...