Seminar of the “D2 Seminar Series” – Florence Center for Data Science
DiSIA, viale Morgagni 59 Viale Morgagni 59, FirenzeWelcome back to the new edition of the D2 Seminar Series of the Florence Center for Data Science! We are happy to host Monica Bianchini from the Department of Information ...
DISIA Welcome Seminar
DiSIA, viale Morgagni 59 Viale Morgagni 59, FirenzeWelcome seminar: Alberto Cassese, Giulia Cereda, Cecilia Viscardi The seminar will be held on Friday 2nd December 2022, in Aula 205 (ex 32) (DISIA – Viale Morgagni 59). -------------------- Speaker: ...
IMS International Conference on Statistics and Data Science (ICSDS)
In response to the call from the 2021 IMS Survey report to expand membership from emerging areas of data science, underrepresented groups and from regions outside of North America, the ...
DISIA Seminar
DiSIA, viale Morgagni 59 Viale Morgagni 59, FirenzeSpeaker: Moreno Mancosu (Università di Torino) Title: Socio-demographic cues and willingness to talk about politics: an experimental approach Abstract: Recently, the debate around political discussions argued that people tend to ...
DiSIA Xmas Lecture
Plesso didattico Morgagni Viale Morgani 40, FirenzeThe Department of Statistics, Computer Science, Applications "G. Parenti" together with the Florence Center for Data Science is glad to invite you to the Christmas Seminar: Christmas Lecture December 22, ...
DISIA Seminar
DiSIA, viale Morgagni 59 Viale Morgagni 59, FirenzeSpeaker: Fulvia Mecatti (Università degli Studi di Milano-Bicocca) Title: A fresh look to Multiple Frame Surveys for a multi data source world Abstract: Multiple Frame (MF) Surveys have been around ...
DiSIA Seminar
DiSIA, viale Morgagni 59 Viale Morgagni 59, FirenzeSpeakers: Nedka Nikiforova, Valentina Tocchioni, Pamela Vignolini (DiSIA - Università degli Studi di Firenze) Title: Nedka Nikiforova: Design of experiments for technology and for consumers’ preferences Valentina Tocchioni: A snapshot ...
Seminar of the “D2 Seminar Series” – Florence Center for Data Science
DiSIA, viale Morgagni 59 Viale Morgagni 59, FirenzeWelcome back to the new edition of the D2 Seminar Series of the Florence Center for Data Science! We are happy to host Giacomo Toscano from the Department of Economics ...
DiSIA Seminar
DiSIA, viale Morgagni 59 Viale Morgagni 59, FirenzeSpeaker:Sabrina Molinaro e Elisa Benedetti (Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche-CNR) Title: Il monitoraggio delle popolazioni nascoste e la valutazione delle policy in ambito di dipendenze Abstract: Il focus del seminario consisterà ...
Seminar of the “D2 Seminar Series” – Florence Center for Data Science
DiSIA, viale Morgagni 59 Viale Morgagni 59, FirenzeWelcome back to the new edition of the D2 Seminar Series of the Florence Center for Data Science! We are happy to host Nicola Del Sarto from the Department of ...
DiSIA Seminar
DiSIA, viale Morgagni 59 Viale Morgagni 59, FirenzeSpeaker: Jaesik Jeong (Chonnam National University) Title: Double truncation method for controlling local false discovery rate in case of spiky null Abstract: Many multiple test procedures, which control false discovery ...
Kick-off meeting of the Master in Data Science and Statistical Learning MD2SL
OnlineWe are pleased to invite you to the Kick-off meeting of the Master in Data Science and Statistical Learning of the University of Florence in collaboration with the Scuola IMT Alti Studi ...