Recent Advances and Progress in Evolutionary Algorithms and its Dynamics
Sala riunioni DINFO Via di Santa Marta 3, FirenzeTitle: Recent Advances and Progress in Evolutionary Algorithms and its Dynamics Speaker: Prof. Ivan Zelinka Location: Sala riunioni DINFO This seminar is focused on recent progress in the mutual intersection of ...
Self-Organizing Migrating Algorithm – Progress, Innovations and Applications
Sala riunioni DINFO Via di Santa Marta 3, FirenzeSpeaker: Prof. Ivan Zelinka Location: Sala riunioni DINFO - Via di S. Marta 3 This seminar discusses recent advances, progress and application on SOMA algorithm (, that has been developed ...
DISIA hosts a 3-day Stats Camp Seminar
DiSIA, viale Morgagni 59 Viale Morgagni 59, FirenzeThe Department of Statistics is hosting a Todd D. Little (Texas Tech University) short course: Title: The Craft of Model Construction Using Structural Equation Modeling Comprehensive 3-day Stats Camp Seminar by Todd ...
Adversarial Machine Learning
Aula Caminetto Via di Santa Marta 3, FirenzeSpeaker: Prof. Fabio Roli, Università di Cagliari Machine learning algorithms are widely used for cybersecurity applications, including spam, malware detection, biometric recognition. In these applications, the learning algorithm has to ...
DISIA Seminar: On Spatial Lag Models estimated using crowdsourcing, web-scraping or other unconventionally collected Big Data
Title: On Spatial Lag Models estimated using crowdsourcing, web-scraping or other unconventionally collected Big Data Speaker: Giuseppe Arbia (Catholic University of the Sacred Heart Milan) Location: Aula 32 - DISIA - ...
DSG Seminar: The Future of Artificial Intelligence and Fundamental Rights
D4 Via delle Pandette 9 Via delle Pandette 9, FirenzeTitle: The Future of Artificial Intelligence and Fundamental Rights Speaker: Marc Rotenberg (Georgetown Law School - EPIC) Location: Building D4, Room 102 Seminar poster
DISIA Seminar: From logit to linear regression and back
Title: From logit to linear regression and back Speaker: Giovanni Maria Marchetti (University of Florence) Location: Aula 32 - DISIA - Viale Morgagni 59 Abstract
2020 Applied Bayesian Statistics Summer School: BAYESIAN CAUSAL INFERENCE
DiSIA, viale Morgagni 59 Viale Morgagni 59, FirenzeThe Applied Bayesian Statistics summer school has been running since 2004. Since 2012 it is organised by: IMATI CNR Istituto di Matematica Applicata e Tecnologie Informatiche, Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche, ...
CEN-IBS/GMDS Invited Session on “Causal Inference and Machine Learning”
"Causal Inference and Machine Learning" - a virtual satellite invited session of the 2020 joint conference of the GMDS & CEN-IBS - 28 September, 3-5pm (CEST, Berlin time). More information ...
We are pleased to announce the kick-off meeting for the MD2SL Master, which will be held on February 15th at 17:00. Further details are available at this link.
1st Seminar of the “D2 Seminar Series” – Florence Center for Data Science
OnlineThe Florence Center for Data Science is happy to present the first Seminar of the "D2 Seminar Series" launched by the FDS. The Seminar will be held online Friday 21st ...
2nd Seminar of the “D2 Seminar Series” – Florence Center for Data Science
OnlineThe Florence Center for Data Science is happy to present the second Seminar of the “D2 Seminar Series” launched by the FDS. The Seminar will be held online Friday 4th of ...