DISIA hosts a 3-day Stats Camp Seminar

DiSIA, viale Morgagni 59 Viale Morgagni 59, Firenze

The Department of Statistics is hosting a Todd D. Little (Texas Tech University) short course: Title: The Craft of Model Construction Using Structural Equation Modeling Comprehensive 3-day Stats Camp Seminar by Todd ...

Adversarial Machine Learning

Aula Caminetto Via di Santa Marta 3, Firenze

Speaker: Prof. Fabio Roli, Università di Cagliari Machine learning algorithms are widely used for cybersecurity applications, including spam, malware detection, biometric recognition. In these applications, the learning algorithm has to ...

2020 Applied Bayesian Statistics Summer School: BAYESIAN CAUSAL INFERENCE

DiSIA, viale Morgagni 59 Viale Morgagni 59, Firenze

The Applied Bayesian Statistics summer school has been running since 2004. Since 2012 it is organised by: IMATI CNR Istituto di Matematica Applicata e Tecnologie Informatiche, Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche, ...