The Department of Statistics, Computer Science, Applications “G. Parenti” (DiSIA) has been appointed as Department of Excellence of Italian universities, with other six departments of the University of Florence. The award consists of a five-year (2023-2027) Italian Ministry of Research and University (MIUR) special funding to strengthen and enhance excellence in research and teaching.
The prestigious funding is awarded to the best 180 departments that stand out for the quality of the research produced and in scientific, organizational, and educational planning.

The Department of Statistics, Informatics and Applications is the reference point in the University for generating knowledge through the intensive use of data to support decision-making processes. The DiSIA comes from the intuition of combining statistical methods and computer science to obtain effective and computationally efficient methods of analysis of data with complex structures and high dimensions.
Thanks to the Project of Excellence 2018 – 2022, the DiSIA has undertaken a path to become a national and international reference for Data Science, with the new project, focused on the development of methods of Causal Inference and Statistical learning, will be able to develop decision support methods and provide support for ground-breaking knowledge and scientific discoveries in economics and demographic, social, medical, health and computer sciences.
Link for our website (Department of Excellence 2018 – 2022) – Italian version only