The project “SPES – Sustainability Performances, Evidence and Scenarios” is financed by the European Commission programme HORIZON-CL2-2022-TRANSFORMATIONS-01-01 with a grant of 2.7 million of euro for the area of Public policies and indicators for well-being and sustainable development.
We are particularly proud of this important recognition of the project, coordinated by professor Mario Biggeri, member of our center, who will guide a group of professors and researchers from the Department of Economics and Management DiSEI of the University of Florence as well as from the Florence center for Data Science.

Mario Biggeri, interviewed by the UnifiMagazine, the magazine of University of Florence explains the main purposes of SPES.
The project considers a dual perspective to achieve two specific objectives: to contribute to the definition of a framework for measuring and analyzing sustainable development and transition performance; participate in the promotion of an integrated political approach towards sustainability based on the evolution of the different dimensions of sustainability: environmental, social and economic.
The innovative contribution foreseen by SPES will be to provide new concepts, knowledge and evidence of the results obtained in past, present and future policies for the transition towards sustainable development in the European Union, paying attention to the dimensions of equity, environmental sustainability, productivity and participation.
The SPES activities will last three years, starting in February 2023 and ending in January 2026.
The proposal of innovative theoretical arguments will be supported by advanced empirical testing (e.g., econometric microsimulation and panel data analysis, codesign workshops, scenario analysis, case-study analysis), seeking to foster the implementation of European policies for social transition to reconcile productivity growth and value generation with equity, inclusiveness, and environmental protection.
The Department of Economics and Management DiSEI of the University of Florence which is going to oversees the scientific coordination and operational management of all research, communication, and dissemination activities.
SPES project foresee also the collaboration of ten international partners besides the University of Florence: Université de Bordeaux (France), OsloMet (Norway), University of Amsterdam (Netherlands), International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis (Austria), Tarki Social Research Institute (Hungary), University of Belgrade (Serbia), European University Institute (Italy), Platform of European Social NGOs (Belgium), London School of Economics and Political Science (United Kingdom), and Partnership for Economic Policy (Kenya).