Paolo Frasconi
DINFO – Deputy director
Biosketch: Paolo Frasconi is a professor of Computer Science at DINFO, Univ. Florence. He previously held academic positions at KU Leuven, Univ. Cagliari, Univ. Wollongong, and MIT. His research interests are in the area of machine learning, in particular on relational learning with neural networks and kernels, hyperparameter optimization, and applications of machine learning to biological data. He chaired MLG 2007, ILP 2010, and ECML-PKDD 2016. He is currently an Action Editor for the Machine Learning Journal and sits in the Steering Committee of the European Conference on Machine Learning and Principles and Practice of Knowledge Discovery and in the Advisory Board of the Italian Association for Machine Learning.
Paola Cappanera
Area of expertise: Combinatorial optimization, network optimization, robust optimization.
Biosketch: Biosketch: Paola Cappanera is Associate Professor of Operations Research at DINFO/UNIFI. Herresearch is focused on combinatorial optimization models and algorithms, specificallyemphasizing real applications arising from the health care and transportation settings. She isassociate editor of Flexible Services and Manufacturing Journal, and Operations Research forHealth Care.
Paolo Nesi
Area of expertise: Big Data analytics, artificial intelligence, distributed systems, knowledge engineering.
Biosketch: Paolo Nesi is full professor of Computer Science at DINFO/Unifi. His research is focused on large scale distributed systems, data analytics, big data, IoT/IoE, formal methods, predictive models, simulation. The main domains are smart city, industry 4.0. He is the coordinator of Chair of DISIT lab, Snap4City. He is associate editor of a number of international journal and chair of major conferences.